Know the Face of Genius

How do you Recognize Genius?
By Rafi M. Ali, M.D.
Director of DarusSalam Seminary’s Tadrīs Integrated High School Program
How do you Recognize Genius?
Biographies of great individuals often recall some facial features or mannerisms that may have betrayed the inner genius of the individual. Some intensity in the eyes, perhaps, or a smile that captivated the beholders. One does not live long, however, before realizing that the face of genius is nearly always unassumingly ordinary. A realization, of course, that is wrong.
All Honor belongs to Allāh , the Owner of the Heavens and the Earth. Man tends to underestimate the innate abilities, or ‘genius’ as some call it, gifted to him by his Generous Creator. The truth is, without a doubt, there are no ordinary men. This is of the greatest lessons of history. Time and again, so-called ordinary men accomplished extraordinary feats — for they were never ordinary, they just believed they were. The difference between those who fulfill their innate potential given favorable circumstances and those who fail, is the difference between those with cognitive understanding of the nouns and verbs of this sentence versus those with deep self-awareness of the message it proclaims.
The beauty of faith is that it cares little of deputized geniuses. It aims higher and has better things to do. It is sufficient for us to know that our Creator favored us. To Him we belong and to Him we shall return.