Eid ul-Fitr

DarusSalam follows the Chicago Hilal Committee for moonsighting declarations. The Chicago Hilal Committee will convene today, April 9th, 2024, after Asr (6:30 PM) to determine the start of Shawwal 1445 (Eid-ul-Fitr).

Eid ul-Fitr

The Chicago Hilal Committee has not received any verifiable crescent sighing reports from its representatives around the country on Tuesday, April 9, and has declared that we will complete the 30-day month of Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Thursday, April 11, inshaAllah.

Ramadan Mubarak! Based on the declaration of the Chicago Hilal Committee of a moonsighting on the east coast, Masjid DarusSalam will begin Tarawih Friday, February 28, 2025, inshaAllah. The first day of fasting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025.


Support students of knowledge with your Zakat


And establish Salat and discharge the Zakat, for whatever good you advance for yourselves, you will find its reward with Allah SWT. Indeed Allah SWT is all-seeing of all that you do. (Qur’an 2:110)


Ramadan Mubarak! Based on the declaration of the Chicago Hilal Committee of a moonsighting on the east coast, Masjid DarusSalam will begin Tarawih Friday, February 28, 2025, inshaAllah. The first day of fasting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Ramadan is the month of conquering the soul and gaining victory through the attainment of taqwa. This Ramadan, our aim as a masjid and community is to facilitate a transformative journey for every individual and family. Through our various programming, we will first reflect on our challenges, then renew our purpose, and finally rebuild by setting a clear path toward personal and spiritual growth.


Summer 2024

Summer at DaruSalam is loaded with programs for the entire family! We know that there are many of you who are eager to taste the sweetness of Islamic knowledge but do not have the opportunity to do so on a full-time basis. That's why we strive to provide a variety of courses that fit your schedule.


Volunteer at DarusSalam and utilize your skills for a project you wish to bring into reality!


We're Hiring

Looking for a fulfilling career? We are looking for talented and dedicated individuals to join our team.


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Support DarusSalam with a monthly or a one-time contribution to the category of your choice.



All of our lectures are streamed on YouTube. Join us live or listen to any of our previous programs.

Study traditional Islamic Sciences on a part-time basis.

Study traditional Islamic Sciences on a part-time basis.

In the Spotlight

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In the Spotlight

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Event RSVP

Looking to RSVP for one of our programs? Click below to find an event and reserve your spot!

Prayer Timings

Jumu'ah Timings

1st Prayer1:00PM1:30PM
2nd Prayer2:10PM2:40PM


DarusSalam Seminary

We're firm believers that the pursuit of knowledge is a life-long journey. Whether you are a parent looking to begin your child's journey or an adult looking to continue yours, we have something to offer you.

Become a benefactor for the future of Islamic scholarship in America!

We are calling upon 1400 individuals to commit $100.00 per month to maintain Masjid DarusSalam and DarusSalam Seminary.

By the grace of Allah, the dedication of our volunteers and staff, and the generosity of our beloved congregants, the DarusSalam Seminary National Campus has been completed.  Now that we have the infrastructure in place, it is our duty as a community to maintain this Divine favor and the increased maintenance cost that comes with it. Just as the 1400 illustrious Companions who pledged at Hudaybiyah were immortalized in history, and more importantly, earned the favor of Allah ﷻ, we have an opportunity before us as members of this community.

Weekly Programs

Live on YouTube @MasjidDS

Note: As of 3/13, the Monday Bukhari Dars, Tuesday Tafsir, and Thursday Salawat programs will take place after Maghrib salah.

Sisters' Sirah Series

Join us every other Sunday at 1:30pm for an exclusive sisters' Biweekly Sirah Series with 'Alimah Khadija Lakhi.

Tafsir Program

Join us every Tuesday after Isha as Mufti Azeemuddin covers the exegesis of select surah's from the Qur'an.

Sisters' Tafsir Program

Join us every Thursday at 1:30PM as 'Alimah Nikhat Muqeem covers the exegesis of the Qu'ran in Urdu. Exclusively for sisters.


Join us every Thursday after Isha as we send salutations upon Rasulullah (S) as recited from the Salat & Salam booklet.

Team Fajr

Join us every Saturday after Fajr for a short discourse from Hidden Blessings: Forty Wisdoms behind Calamities, Difficulties, Trials, & Tribulations.



Join the DarusSalam community in our noble endeavor of collectively completing hundreds of Qur'an khatams and millions of salawat and istighfar each month. On the final Thursday of the month, a collective du'a is made after 'isha.

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