A Pearl of Wisdom from al-Rāghib al-Aṣfahānī (Defining Ghayrah)

al-Rāghib al-Aṣfahānī said:
الغيرة ثوران الغضب حماية على أكرم الحرم وأكثر ما تراعى في النساء، وجعل الله سبحانه هذه القوة في الإنسان سببا لصيانة الماء وحفظا للإنسان، ولذلك قيل: كل أمة وضعت الغيرة في رجالها وضعت العفة في نسائها
“Ghayrah is becoming angry to protect the most noble of that which is sacred. It is frequently observed regarding womenfolk. Allāh (Glorified and Exalted) made this trait inherent to mankind in order to protect lineage and safeguard people. It is said: ‘Every community in which ghayrah is found in its men, chastity is found in its women.’“
(al-Dharīʿah ilā Makārim al-Sharīʿah, 244)