A Pearl of Wisdom from Ibn Ḥajar al-Makkī

One of the reasons behind why Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī left Egypt and relocated to Makkah was the difficulties he experienced from those who envied him (ar. ḥasad). The envy people had for him even resulted in them stealing one of his books. He authored a work under the title “Bushrā al-Karīm” (which was an extensive commentary on Muzajjad’s ʿUbāb) that one of his haters subsequently stole from him. Ibn Ḥajar was affected by what happened and remembered the incident throughout his life. He would often pray for the one who did it and say:
سامحه الله وعفا عنه
“O Allāh! Forgive him and pardon him.”