Official Statement Regarding the Situation at the al-Aqsa Mosque

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
al-salāmu ʿalaykum wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhū
DarusSalam Foundation calls for an immediate end to the unwarranted attacks on the al-Aqsa Mosque and the unlawful evictions that are taking place at Sheikh Jarrah.
The al-Aqsa Mosque is sacred. Muslims across the entire world believe that Abraham (upon him be peace) and his son Ishmael (upon him be peace) built the Kaʿbah in Makkah. And we also believe that Abraham (upon him be peace) and his son Isaac (upon him be peace) built al-Aqsa in Jerusalem.
In Islam, the al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest place of worship. It was the qiblah (the direction faced in prayer) of many prophets (upon them be peace). As well, for sixteen months after he arrived at Madinah, it was the qiblah of our beloved Prophet Muḥammad (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him). Its significance does not end there. As we know, the Prophet Muḥammad (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) led the other prophets (upon them be peace) in prayer at al-Aqsa during the Night Ascension (al-Isrāʾ wa al-Miʿrāj). To Muslims, al-Aqsa is sacrosanct.
Israel has oppressed Palestine and its people for decades now. These recent attacks are very disturbing. What happened is not just an attack on a particular village or a stretch of land. The Israelis aggressively invaded an inviolable house of worship. And by doing so, they desecrated it.
The invasion of al-Aqsa is a hostile act against Islam and the international Muslim community. Many governments and rights groups have spoken out against this. But where are we? Are we so weak that we cannot help our brothers and sisters who are suffering? When will we wake up? When will we shed even one tear for them?
The violence, atrocities, and oppression that Muslims are subject to nowadays is brutal and grotesque. Despite the horrific nature of these acts, we have become desensitized to such events; it is as if our hearts are numb. American Muslims cannot be apathetic; our attitudes cannot be indifferent.
What recourse do we have? What is the solution? How can we stop the pain?
We must use the legal means that we have recourse to and demand justice. We can do this by reaching out to our political leaders, expressing our stance on the issue, and protesting what happened. One should not engage in any unlawful act or violence.
However, before we do anything, we must feel the pain of our brothers and sisters and turn to Allah wielding the most powerful weapon of all: duāʾ. Feeling their pain is a part of our imān. If we do not feel this pain, our imān may be in doubt. If we cannot shed a tear for our Muslim brothers and sisters, how can we call ourselves their brethren in faith?
The Prophet (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) experienced moments such as these throughout his life. He experienced moments of agony and grief. He experienced moments of anger and hurt.
In times of tribulation, the Prophet (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) taught us to pour out our hearts to Allah who is sufficient as our Protector and Patron. Indeed, Allah alone relieves difficulty and grants ease.
The Prophet (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) said:
“Indeed, duāʾ is of benefit for what has happened as well as what has not yet happened. Allah’s servants should earnestly engage in duāʾ.”
When faced with calamities, the Prophet (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) gathered his companions and stood up for the helpless and the oppressed by using his words. He made duāʾ; he supplicated in response to calamity. His supplication is called َqunūt al-nāzilah.
We are in the final moments of Ramadan. These atrocities are happening in the holiest month of the year, during the holiest nights of the year, and at one of Islam’s holiest mosques. We ask all our brothers and sisters to make duāʾ for our fellow Muslims who are facing these gross violations of international law and infringements against their religious freedom. We must make duāʾ against the Israelis, their aggression at the al-Aqsa Mosque, and their crimes at the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem.
As well, we must make duāʾ for the Uighur Muslims in China who have been the victims of a genocide that aims to destroy them and their Islam. We must also remember our brothers and sisters in Syria, Yemen, Burma, and in every other place where Muslims are suffering.
Our beloved Prophet Muḥammad (Allah send prayers and salutations upon him) taught us that when the ummah faces a difficulty, we must turn to Allah. InshāʾAllah, we will be reciting qunūt al-nāzilah in the fajr prayer at Masjid DarusSalam. This will start on May 10, 2021. Please join us in this sunnah duāʾ that is being made for the oppressed all around the world, most especially for what is currently happening in Jerusalem at the al-Aqsa Mosque.
Feel the pain. Shed a tear. Pour your heart out in duāʾ.
And Allah knows best.
DarusSalam Foundation Administration
Ramadan 28, 1442/May 10, 2021
Procedure for Qunūt al-Nāzilah
The qunūt is recited after the second rukūʿ. The following is a duāʾ that can be recited: