A Pearl of Wisdom from Abū Dharr

Abū Dharr said:
اعمل كأنك ترى وعد نفسك في الموتى واعلم أن الشر لا ينسى والخير لا يفنى واعلم أن قليلا يغنيك خير من كثير يطغيك وإياك ودعوة المظلوم
“Act as if you see [Allah]. Count yourself from amongst the deceased. Know that an evil deed is never forgotten, and a good deed is always remembered. Know that possessing just enough to suffice one is better than possessing an abundance that leads one to transgression and sin. Be wary regarding the prayer of the oppressed.”
(Risālat al-Mustarshidīn, 125-26)