A Pearl of Wisdom from Ibn Qutaybah
Ibn Qutaybah said:
قال ابن قتيبة وإنما يعرف فضل القرآن من كثر نظره واتسع علمه وفهم مذاهب العرب وافتنانها في الأساليب وما خص الله به لغتها دون جميع اللغات فإنه ليس في جميع الأمم أمة أوتيت من العارضة والبيان واتساع المجال ما أوتيته العرب خصيصة من الله
“The Qurʾān’s virtue is well understood by a knowledgeable scholar who has reviewed it extensively while possessing a deep understanding of the Arabic language and the nuances of its style. Allāh revealed the Qurʾān in Arabic to the exclusion of all other languages. That is because no other nation has the strength of speech, the clarity of speech, and vast applicability of language. What the Arabs were given in this regard distinguishes them from all others. Allāh gave this to them.”
(Taʾwīl Mushkil al-Qurʾān, 17)