A Pearl of Wisdom from al-Qāḍī al-Muzajjad

During his life, Muzajjad went through a difficult trial, which did not last long. An army, under the command of Amīr Ḥusayn, conquered the city of Zabīd. After they had gained control of the city, the commander arrested Muzajjad. They army assumed that Muzajjad was wealthy because they found this to be the case with the judges of Egypt. They kept Muzajjad in custody and put a zinjīr (chain, pillory) around his neck. As they begin to investigate his situation, they found that he in fact lived in poverty (even though he was the qāḍī of Zabīd). Thereafter, they pardoned him and then released him. (Qilādat al-Naḥr, 6:576)