A Pearl of Wisdom from Abū Ḥātim al-Bustī

Abū Ḥātim said:
الواجب على العاقل لزوم السلامة بترك التجسس عن عيوب الناس مع الاشتغال بإصلاح عيوب نفسه فإن من اشتغل بعيوبه عن عيوب غيره أراح بدنه ولم يتعب قلبه
“It is obligatory on a man with intelligence that he keeps himself safe by never spying on other people and their faults. One should be busy with rectifying his own faults. Verily, any person who is busy with his own faults rather than those of others, his person will remain safe and at ease and his heart will not become weary.”