A Fāʾidah Regarding Imām Muzanī’s Sister

In Murshid al-Anām, Sayyid Aḥmad Bey listed “Ukht al-Muzanī.” Imām Rāfiʿī cited her saying that it is not stipulated that a lunar year lapses for zakāt al-maʿādin to be due. He also cited from Imām Buwayṭī that it is stipulated. When Imām Muzanī cited this from her in al-Mukhtaṣar, he wrote:
عمن يثق به عن الشافعي
“From one who is trustworthy from Imām Shāfiʿī.”
The commentators mention that his sister related this issue to him. He disliked making explicit mention of her name so cited from her in this way.
(Murshid al-Anām, #49)