Winter Intensive 2020
Embracing Equilibrium:
Finding Balance in a Chaotic World
Embracing Equilibrium:
Finding Balance in a Chaotic World
Early bird registration - $75.00 (Ends 12/31/2019)
Tentative Topics
Fiqh of Halal and Haram
The Prophet ﷺ said, “The unlawful is clearly known and the lawful is clearly known.” In this class, one will study the legal rulings on a variety of issues with a focus on what is unlawful and what is lawful. Things like slaughtering, food, dress, etc., will be discussed in detail.
Misunderstood Verses
Allāh (swt) says, “Will they not ponder on the Qurʾān? If it had been from other than Allāh, they would have found therein much incongruity.” The Qurʾān is the speech of our Creator and our guide in life. It is superlatively eloquent, internally consistent, and nothing short of miraculous. However, in every generation, there have been individuals, some sincere and others with ulterior motives, who misinterpret the Book of Allāh (swt) and its verses. This class will examine common objections to the Qurʾān as well as some frequently misunderstood verses, whether they stem from the zanādiqah of old or Islamophobes of this era.
Fiqh of Finance
Throughout Islāmic history, Muslims have governed flourishing economies. Wherever Muslims went, the business practices that they introduced influenced the hearts of many. The business ethics that they exhibited inspired people to see Islām’s beauty. The divine system they brought with them -Islām’s teachings- came from the most perfect legislator: Allāh (swt). By learning Islām’s rulings on trade, one will understand how to conduct business in a way pleasing to Allāh (swt). The financial transactions that contemporary Muslims encounter in their pursuit of livelihood are numerous. Business in the modern world dynamically evolved. When compared to the agrarian economies of old, the modern marketplace is contradistinct in many ways. At the same time, in some ways, it is analogous. One of the most important ways in which it compares is the necessity of learning the rules governing it. This course is designed to acquaint the modern Muslim with knowledge of the rulings and guidelines required to buy and sell in today’s times. Issues such as bank accounts, mortgages, retirement accounts, credit cards, debit cards, forex, and many other interesting topics will be discussed in a series of engaging and informative classes. This course is a must for the modern Muslim business person.
“A time will come when the one who is steadfast on his deen will be like a person holding a burning coal.” (Tirmidhi)
Last Winter, over 200 brothers and sisters from around the United States attended DarusSalam’s Winter Intensive. For four days, they had the opportunity to withdraw from the clamor of their daily lives into an intellectually stimulating environment of Islamic scholarship. After completing the Intensive, they are now able to confidently uphold their faith, unflinching in the face of the popular ideologies of the day.
This year, DarusSalam’s 2019 Winter Intensive, Embracing Equilibrium: Finding Balance in a Chaotic World, will provide you and your family the perfect opportunity to reset your body, mind, and soul.
This five-day course includes interactive classes with ample opportunity for questions and discussion. In addition to the conducive studying environment, over the five days you will enjoy good companionship and special sessions aimed at spiritual rectification. After a full day of studying, take a break and enjoy the beautiful City of Chicago, its attractions, and the great Halal Cuisine.
Last Winter, over 200 brothers and sisters from around the United States attended DarusSalam’s Winter Intensive. For four days, they had the opportunity to withdraw from the clamor of their daily lives into an intellectually stimulating environment of Islamic scholarship. After completing the Intensive, they are now able to confidently uphold their faith, unflinching in the face of the popular ideologies of the day.
This year, DarusSalam’s 2019 Winter Intensive, Embracing Equilibrium: Finding Balance in a Chaotic World, will provide you and your family the perfect opportunity to reset your body, mind, and soul.
This five-day course includes interactive classes with ample opportunity for questions and discussion. In addition to the conducive studying environment, over the five days you will enjoy good companionship and special sessions aimed at spiritual rectification. After a full day of studying, take a break and enjoy the beautiful City of Chicago, its attractions, and the great Halal Cuisine.
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[accordion-item title="▽ Sh. Hashim Ahmad"]
Shaikh Hashim Ahmad is an American Islamic scholar and teacher holding a degree from Jami’ah Ummul Qura, Makkah Al Mukarramah, with specialization in the Sciences of Quran and Hadith, and an MA in Islamic culture from the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan, as well as Ijaazaat from many traditional scholars whom he studied with. He was deputed in 1985 by Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz Former Chief Mufti, Saudi Arabia, as a teacher to Jamiatul Uloom Al Islamiyyah, Binnori Town, Karachi, and other premier Islamic Institutions.
In 1997 he formed a company known as Al Khair Creative Quality Ware, providing “Beneficial products aligned with a healthy, meaningful lifestyle”. Along with his associates they worked on developing a business based on Islamic and professional excellence that eventually evolved into an entire Islamic business system known as “The Ubudiyyah Business Model”. UBM Trust was formed, engaging in R&D, facilitation and promotion of the model. Hashim now heads the UBM Trust apart from lecturing and presenting at diverse venues on Islamic related topics, and offering consultancy to individuals and institutions.
He teaches how Muslims can live a healthy meaningful life in a Holistic way.
[accordion-item title="▽ Mawlana Yousuf Ghouse"]
Yousuf Ghouse was born and raised in the Chicagoland area. He completed his memorization of the Quran at the Institute of Islamic Education in Elgin, IL. After graduating from UIC with a degree in Mathematics, he pursued Islamic studies full time - initially at DarusSalam and later in Johannesburg, South Africa. After graduating, he spent some additional time pursuing further studies in South Africa.
[accordion-item title="▽ Mawlana Usman Akhtar"]
Usman Akhtar completed the memorization of the Quran at Darul Uloom New York and then went on to study in South Africa. He completed the six-year curriculum under the guidance of world renowned scholars and earned authorizations in Hadith from many scholars. Upon graduation he traveled to Egypt to further his studies and received authorizations while studying privately under many Ulama.
Upon return from Egypt, he graduated summa cum laude from the University of Connecticut with a BA in Psychological Sciences and served as the Imam & Director of Religious Affairs of the Danbury Masjid|ISWC in Connecticut from 2013 to 2018. He was also a weekend academy instructor at Darul Uloom New York where he taught Arabic and other subjects. He is certified in mental health first aid and is a certified crisis counselor.
[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Minhajuddin Ahmed"]
Minhajuddin Ahmed serves as the Principal of the Academy as well as one of the institute’s directors. Born and raised in Illinois, he memorized the entire Qurʾān at a young age. Later in life, when he reached college age, he opted to dedicate his life to Islāmic Studies and traveled to South Africa.He studied the eight-year ʿālimiyyah and iftāʾ program graduating with teaching licenses and the permission to issue fatwā in the Ḥanafī School.
Upon returning to the United States, he served as the director of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis for several years before becoming involved at Masjid DarusSalam. He oversees the administration of the institute. His passion for knowledge and dedication to providing a high-quality institute to serve the North-American Muslim community is phenomenal. Along with imparting knowledge to students in the classroom, he envisages creating a brilliant beacon of knowledge that will inspire future generations by offering an opportunity to study Islām in a way that is relevant in contemporary contexts while holding fast to tradition. Along with teaching and overseeing the institute’s administration, he serves as the imām at Masjid DarusSalam.
[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Azeemuddin Ahmed"]
Azeemuddin Ahmed serves as director of Masjid DarusSalam. He was born and raised in the Chicagoland area. At a tender age, he memorized the Holy Qurʾān. Thereafter, he traveled to South Africa where he studied a rigorous eight-year ʿālimiyyah and iftāʾ course. During his studies, he was blessed with the opportunity to spend extensive time in the company of one of the world’s elite jurists and scholars. After graduating with top honors from South Africa, he went on to earn a BA in Psychology from Elmhurst College. He served as the director of AIA Masjid in Frankfort, Illinois from 2006 to 2012.
Azeemuddin’s dedication and passion for Islāmic education is unparalleled. He is continuously in the service of both scholars and students. An individual with sincere love for scholarship, he strives to ensure that everyone at the institute is well and benefiting from the program. His love and enthusiasm bring the classes he teaches to life, every class conveys priceless points that enrich and benefit those in attendance. As well, he serves as an associate Imām at Masjid DarusSalam.
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[accordion-item title="▽ Islamic Holistic Health"]
The vast majority of Muslims are unaware of all of the dimensions of health. Spiritual, emotional, intellectual, social, physical, and environmental health. Without strength and health in all these dimensions, it is impossible to live an effective life of “Ubudiyyah” (Allah’s servitude) for which we have been created!
Do you want to have a Healthy Meaningful Lifestyle? Do you want to succeed in your life and in the hereafter? Then attend this course and change your lifestyle from and "unhealthy & meaningless" to "healthy & meaningful." This course will cover the basics of Holistic health, RUHANI (Spiritual) health, and JISMANI (Physical) Health.
[accordion-item title="▽ The Science of Hadith"]
Hadith occupies in Islam the unique position of the foremost textual authority after the Quran. Allah has said in the Quran, “Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it” (59:7). Recent times have seen many detractors seek to challenge that authority.
This workshop will explore modern objections to the hadith corpus, weigh the arguments, and ultimately demonstrate the veracity and vitality of hadith literature. The workshop will adopt Sahih al-Bukhari as a case study, explore the meticulousness of its esteemed author and the attention that the ummah gave to its preservation and transmission. Participants will inshaAllah gain from this workshop greater conviction in the reliability of hadith literature. Participants will also inshaAllah gain a broader understanding of the science of hadith and discussions related to it, and a deeper appreciation for the work of traditional hadith scholars.
[accordion-item title="▽ Fiqh of Marriage & Divorce"]
Marriage is sacred. The Prophet (saw) described it as, “half of one’s religion.” Unfortunately, very few Muslims correctly understand the laws that Islām established dealing with marriage and divorce. Ignorance of these rules has destroyed families, and knowledge of them has saved many more. Problems have abounded within many marriages, and divorce rates have skyrocketed.
This course will examine the guidance that the Prophet lived as a husband and how his blessed wives, the Mothers of the Believers, lived as wives. Discover the rights and responsibilities of both the husband and the wife, what constitutes an Islāmic marriage, how divorce works and its implications, how to properly study and understand the role of fiqh in these chapters, etc.
[accordion-item title="▽ Atheism"]
Everyday, Muslims in America are faced with new ideologies and views that cause them to question their core beliefs. Unfortunately we do not possess the requisite knowledge to answer these questions, let alone inform others of what Islam says about these topics. This leads many Muslims to intentionally or unintentionally leave the fold of Islam or have the wrong set of beliefs.
Upon completing this course, one will be equipped with a luminous set of simple yet sound creedal principles through which they can understand and defend their faith.
[accordion-item title="▽ Purification of the Heart"]
The Prophet (saw) said,“One who has even a mustard seed of pride in their heart will not enter Paradise.”
In this course, one will study some of the diseases of the heart along with their cures. The presence of spiritual illnesses inside one can be a reason for which they will be denied entry into Jannah. This is a very serious matter.
One will learn about pride, envy, hatred, jealousy, and other detrimental qualities and learn how to rid them from one’s soul. Moreover, one will learn how to replace these qualities with meritorious and praiseworthy traits that are pleasing to Allāh and in accordance with the Prophet’s Sunnah.
Unit 1 - Atheism and Modern Ideologies
Problem of Evil
Rational Arguments for Belief in Allah (swt) and the Prophet (saw)
Refuting Post Modernism/Radical Left Ideologies in Islam
Refuting Radical Right Ideologies of ISIS and Takfiris
Unit 3 - Signs of the Day of Judgment
Minor Signs
Major Signs
Unit 2 - Lessons from Islamic History
The Fall of the Ottoman Khilafa and its Aftermath
Colonial Era in the Muslim World
Lessons from the Crusades
Rise and Fall of Muslim Spain
Unit 4 - Islamic Intellectual History
Evolution of Schools of Thought in Fiqh
Following a School of Thought
Course Fee**
- Student: $100 (Use Promo Code: WI2019Student)
- Individual: $150
- Couple: $250 (Use Promo Code: WI2019Couple)*
- Family of Four: $400 (Use Promo Code: WI2019FAMILY)*
- Out of State Early Bird: $75 (Use Promo Code: WI2019OOS)
- Single Day Registration: $45 (Use Promo Code: WI2019ONEDAY)
- Two-day Registration: $90 (Use Promo Code: WI2019TWODAY)
- Three-day Registration: $135 (Use Promo Code: WI2019THREEDAY)
*Must register each individual
**Course materials not included in fee
Classes available for all ages. Seats are limited for the Youth Classes (all kids must be accompanied by adults). Registration is required.
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Babysitting Available!
Babysitting services for your children (new born to six years old) are available during the 2019 Winter Intensive by an experienced babysitter. Child care is provided in the same building.
Dates: Sat. – Wed. December 21-25, 2019
Drop off time: 9:45 am
Pick up time: 6:00 pm
Total Cost: $200 for 5 days ($40/day)
Children under three years old:
Parents please make sure you provide the formula, food, and your child’s clothes and diapers.
Cap at 5 babies.
Children 4-6 years old:
Parents please provide favorite toy(s) and a pair of clothes. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Cap at 15 kids.
Interactive Classes
Lunch & Refreshments
Discussion and Q&A
Youth Classes (Ages 6-10 & 11-14)
Dhikr Sessions
Comfort Suites Lombard - Addison
Special rate of $79. Use code: "LSALAM"
Ramada by Wyndham Glendale Heights/Lombard
780 E N Ave, Glendale Heights, IL 60139 • (630) 942-9500
Special rate of $50 plus tax. Mention DarusSalam to receive this rate.
Brothers only
InshaAllah we will be having limited accommodations for brothers in the masjid for a nominal donation of $25.00/night to cover expenses of the Masjid. This will also include breakfast and dinner inshaAllah. To register for overnight stay, please click here.