“Verily, in the Messenger of God, there is an excellent example for you.” (Ahzab, 21).
12:30pm - 10:30pm
Islam is often cited as a complete way of life because its teachings encompass everything from this life to the next. Fittingly, Allah ﷻ appointed as His messenger one who would not only assume an array of roles within society, but, as He affirmed in surah al-Ahzab, would serve as a most excellent example for the believers.
Our beloved Nabi ﷺ himself attested “I was only sent to perfect good character.” This impeccable character and sublime conduct are an exemplar for the believer. From his wisdom as a leader, to his gentleness as a father, to his devotion as a worshiper, Rasulullah ﷺ excelled in such a way that he would become recognized as the model for mankind.
Masjid DarusSalam’s second annual Sirah Conference, titled Paragon of Perfection, aims to reflect on the various roles of Rasulullah ﷺ, drawing lessons that can be applicable in our modern context. We will examine the Prophet ﷺ in his capacity as a teacher, a husband and father, an activist, a leader, a mediator, a businessman, and most importantly, a servant and worshiper of Allah.

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[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Hanif Luharvi"]
Mufti Hanif Luharvi currently serves as the Shaykh al-Hadith at Jameah Qasimiyah Arabiyah- Kharod in Gujarat, India. He completed his initial 'alimiyyah studies at Jameah Husainiyah. He is a student and Khalifa of Shaykh Yunus and Mawlana Mukarram Husain (DB).
[accordion-item title="▽ Shaykh Muhammad Khokhar"]
Shaykh Muhammad Khokhar served as a higher education officer in the City University of New York for 40 years. He was also the faculty advisor of the Muslim Student Association there. He has been active in the work of dawa since 1963.
As a testament to his deep love for attaining and imparting sacred knowledge, he began studying under the supervision of traditional scholars in his early 60s. He completed the ailimiyyah course at the grand age of 68. He studied the spiritual sciences and was blessed with the authorization to guide others in self-purification.
Shaykh Muhammad Khokhar actively travels to various States across the country imparting knowledge and guiding others in self-purification.
[accordion-item title="▽ Shaykh Abdul Rahman Ahmad"]
Shaykh AbdurRahman Hashim Ahmad was born in 1977 in Lackawanna, New York. Both of his parents converted to Islam in the early seventies. At the age of 2, he moved with his parents and two brothers to the city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia and spent 6 years there. He began memorizing the Qur’an in the Masjid Al-Haram while his father was studying at Umm Al-Quraa University in Makkah.
At the age of 8 his family moved again, but this time to Karachi, Pakistan, where his father took up a post as professor of Arabic in Jamiat Uloomul Islamia in Binnori-Town, Karachi. At the age of 9, Shaykh AbdurRahman completed memorizing the Holy Qur’an and has been leading tarawih prayers since 1991. He then began his`Alimiyyah studies where he rigorously studied the sciences of Arabic, `Aqidah, Tafseer, Hadeeth, Fiqh, and other sciences under highly respected Islamic scholars and graduated in 2000 with a full ijazah to teach these Islamic sciences. Upon graduating he continued his quest of gaining knowledge by enrolling into a specialized study of the Hadeeth sciences for an additional 2 years.
In 2002 he started teaching the sacred Islamic sciences such as Arabic, Hadeeth, Fiqh and other subjects in Karachi. In 2008 he took up a post as the Imam of Masjid as-Saaffaat in Trenton, NJ till August of 2015. Also, in 2013, he and his wife founded the Nakhlah Institute as a means for disseminating the sacred Islamic sciences to dedicated students on an advanced and rigorous level. Currently he is the new Imam and resident scholar at the ICNE in Sharon, MA.
[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed"]
Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed was born and raised in Ann Arbor, MI and began his Islamic studies at Jaamiah al-Uloom al-Islamiyyah, where he became a Hafiz at the age of 12.
Upon the completion of his Tahfez Ul Quran Mufti Abdul Wahab decided to continue his studies in the Islamic sciences. He began a 7 year 'alimiyyah program in Toronto, Canada. He then traveled to Karachi, Pakistan to pursue higher education in the field of Hadith at the renowned Jamia Binoritown. He graduated as an honor student and went on to receive ijaazat (formal authorization) from prominent scholars from around the world to teach Hadith
Thereafter Mufti Abdul Wahab enrolled at Al-Ihsan institute located in Vancouver, B.C specializing in Islamic jurisprudence and iftā’ under his professors while simultaneously teaching Fiqh and Hadith in the same school. During this time period he was also serving as the youth director and coordinator in the province of British Colombia. He also traveled extensively across North America for da'wah purposes. Throughout his travels, Mufti Abdul Wahab addressed communities across the United States – and particularly in Michigan – on a wide range of Islamic issues and continues to do so.
Mufti Abdul Wahab is a Co-founder at Miftaah institute and a Director at Michigan Islamic Institute where he is a full time Instructor.
[accordion-item title="▽ Shaykh Musa Sugapong"]
Shaykh Musa Sugapong was born and raised in San Diego, California. After accepting Islam in 1998, he began studying full-time at Madrasah Anwār al-ʿUlūm located there. In 2003 he received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology with a minor in Religious Studies from San Diego State University. He later earned a certificate of proficiency in the Arabic language from Damascus University’s Department of Language. He then enrolled into The Institute of Arabic for Foreigners where he also received a certificate of proficiency.
In 2006 he enrolled at The Institute of Islamic Education (IIE) where he studied the various Islamic sciences for two and a half years. Thereafter he completed his hadith studies in Madrasah Inʾaamiyyah in Camperdown, South Africa, and was granted authorizations in the six authentic collections of hadith (Ṣiḥāḥ Sittah), the two Muwaṭṭas (of Imam Mālik and Imam Muḥammad), and the Sharḥ al- Maʿānī al-Āthār of Imām Ṭaḥāwī.
Shaykh Musa is now an instructor and senior faculty member at Darul Qasim.
[accordion-item title="▽ Shaykh Akef Habbal"]
Shaykh Akef Habbal was born in Montreal, Canada. He graduated from a six-year program at Madrasah Khusrufiyyah in Aleppo, Syria. Thereafter he earned his bachelor's degree in Islāmic Studies from the University of Damascus, where he then continued to study master's level courses in theological and religious studies. Shaykh Akef then went on to study various subjects including tafsīr, fiqh, naḥw, and usūl under various scholars in Aleppo. Upon returning to North America, Shaykh Akef began teaching Arabic and Islāmic studies at various institutions. He currently serves as an Arabic instructor at DarusSalam Academy.
The entire program is free of charge for all attendees!
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