The Darul Ifta will be closed until Monday, April 7. Please check back then to submit your question.
Guidelines and Etiquettes
Our religion teaches us to observe etiquette when interacting with others. It is of utmost importance that we understand the rules of conduct when requesting assistance or a service from someone else. It often happens that we mean well and are sincere in our intention, however, that is lost in communication. Hereunder, we have listed some etiquettes to serve as reminders, for our benefit.
1. The questioner should ask such a scholar who is learned in the legal school of thought of the questioner.
2. The questioner should preferably ask the question directly (if possible), rather than sending it via someone else.
3. The questioner should not use demanding language when seeking an answer.
4. The question should be expressed in clear words. Please avoid texting language and unnecessary abbreviation.
5. Try and be specific in asking your question. Questions like “Tell me about Salah” or “Please advise me about Zakat” should be avoided. Rather, one should ask specifics about Salah or Zakah.
6. The questioner should not forward the same questions to multiple scholars seeking a specific answer, or to gauge the knowledge of the scholars.
7. We should be considerate when submitting questions. Please only ask one question at a time. If necessary, you may ask two.
There are many brothers and sisters submitting questions, and it causes undue delay when one questioner submits multiple questions.
8. Consider possible delays during days in which the seminary is officially closed. We will try to attend to questions upon reopening.
9. All questions must be submitted through the website.
10. We should try to share some words of appreciation to the scholar who answers the question. A simple “Jazakallahu Khairan” is sufficient.
Please keep the Seminary, and all those who serve at it, in your Duas.