Did you know:
- You can learn the language of the Qur'an and gain a firm understanding of aqidah, fiqh, sirah, and more through our 1-Year Tanwir Intensive program?
- You can earn your high school diploma at DarusSalam?
- DarusSalam offers core elementary school subjects for Hifz students?
- Part-time education in traditional Islamic Studies is available for adults?
- You can spend this summer learning the foundations of Arabic at DarusSalam?
DarusSalam Seminary strives to bring authentic Islamic education to the masses. Whether you are a brother or sister, young or old, searching for an opportunity to study full-time, part-time, or during the summer, we have a program for you.
Register below to join us for the Seminary's Virtual Open House for Sisters' Programs. Hear from staff, students, and alumni about our wide range of sisters’ programs including Arabic Essentials, Tanwir Prep, Tanwir Intensive, as well as our part-time programs available to you in the upcoming academic year.
The Open House will take place, inshaAllah, on Saturday, July 11 at 4:00PM CDT. We will provide a link where you can join the Open House to all registrants.