Nikah Application Form
Please complete this form in its entirety. Once submitted, we will reach you via email to confirm the availability of the requested date and time.
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- No photography or video of any type is allowed in the Masjid.
- No food or sweets is to be distributed inside the prayer hall. Boxed sweets can be given on the way out.
- The sister’s section is completely separate. Women will only be able to hear the nikah proceedings but will not be able to see it.
- The sister’s entrance is facing the main road (North Ave). Brother’s entrance is on the opposite side away from North Ave.
- We recommend that nikah be booked a minimum of four weeks prior to the planned date.
- The nikah is performed in the prayer hall. If any other part of the DarusSalam facility is used, the normal rental charges will apply.
- The prospective couple may obtain a marriage license from their county office.
- DarusSalam Foundation will keep a copy of the official marriage license for its records.
- We require the presence of two Muslim male witnesses for the groom and a guardian (wali) for the bride.
- The bride’s father is considered to be guardian (wali) of the bride by default. In the absence of the father, the representative scholar from DarusSalam performing the nikah will guide the future couple to possible alternatives depending on circumstances.
- With consultation and approval of the bride, the groom will offer, in writing, the dowry (mahr) to the bride. The amount of the dowry will be recorded on the marriage certificate.
- The details of the nikah will be recorded on a document which will be signed by the bride, groom, guardian (wali), and the witnesses. DarusSalam Foundation will produce a marriage certificate, providing a copy to the bride and groom. DarusSalam Foundation will keep a copy of the marriage certificate for its records.
- The official marriage license will be signed by the representative DarusSalam scholar performing the nikah. The DarusSalam representative will mail the original license to Dupage County for the registration of the marriage.
- DarusSalam Foundation reserves the right to refuse the performance of a nikah without reason. However, the possibility of this occurring is very low, especially if the above rules are adhered to and proper protocol is followed.