On Sunday, December 2nd, Masjid DarusSalam will present a program on growth and development for girls ages 9-15 years of age. The purpose is to introduce the topic of “coming of age” and discuss areas of physical, emotional, and Islamic changes that girls endure during this time. Our goal is to provide a safe and loving space for girls to learn and discuss this sensitive topic with their friends and the speaker. The workshop will take about 4 hours, with break, snacks, dinner and then question and answers.
Each session will emphasize medical & Islamic information and throughout the class and attendees are encouraged to talk to a “trusted adult” during adolescence to answer their questions. Topics include: self-esteem, coping with change, concept of maturity, cleanliness & hygiene, basic Islamic rulings & accountability.
The girls are encouraged to continue discussion at home. The class is designed to make your child aware of and comfortable with the changes that are occurring to her body. The instructors are experienced on this topic and sensitive to any issues and have both Islamic & psychology background.
Parental permission must be granted for girls’ participation in program. No child will be permitted to attend unless an electronic permission is received. Please complete this registration page before Friday, November 30th.
This program is open for sisters ages 9-15 only.
Lunch will be provided.
Sunday, Nov. 19
9:00am - 1:15pm
Saturday, Nov. 18
10:00am - 5:00pm
By profession, Alimah Sana Mohiuddin is a marital and family counselor. She has a Masters of Arts in Family Counseling at Northeastern Illinois University and has a Bachelor of Arts from Texas A&M University.
Her desire to broaden her perspective on human behavior and family dynamics has led her to study spiritual development under local and international scholars, taking her on travels that have included Damascus, Syria and Lusaka, Zambia. In Zambia, Sana received ijazah, or license to teach from Jaamia Zainab in the traditional sciences, including fiqh, hadith, tafsir, usool, sarf, nahw, and balagha. Through her studies and her community involvement, Sana brings a unique holistic approach to both counseling and teaching. She is teaching online courses in Arabic and aqeedah for Rabata- online learning programs for women by women- as well as teaching various classes in Milwaukee.
Sr. Ayesha Quadri was born and raised in Chicago, IL. She attended the University of IL in Chicago and Argosy University. She earned her degree in Psychology with a focus in women's counseling. Currently, she is working towards completing the Alima Program, in which she has studied subjects such as Hadith, Quranic Tafseer, Arabic and more in Islamic Institutions since 2006. Since high school she has been involved in many youth groups and activities and has taken an interest in establishing a connection with muslim sisters. She conducts weekly women's halaqahs, youth lectures, children programs and teaches online. She currently lives in Milwaukee with her husband and four children.
This multi-faceted workshop will explore the world of marriage, from finding a companion, to planning a wedding, to living happily ever after.
Before Marriage
- What qualities to look for in a prospective spouse
- How to go about searching for a spouse
- Rules of interaction during engagement
- Assisting your children in the process
- Are forced/arranged marriages permissible?
The Wedding
- Integrals of marriage
- Recommended actions of marriage
- How a nikah is conducted
- What is the role of the wali?
- How to ensure your walima is sunnah-compliant
Married Life
- Rules of interaction with one’s in-laws
- Fiqh of sexual relations
- Resolving marital disputes and conflicts
- Providing children with an Islamic upbringing
- Rules of interaction with one’s in-laws
Friday, November 17 will be free of charge for all attendees! Course fees* for Saturday and Sunday are as follows:
Single Admission $75
Couples Package $100
Student Discount $40**
Live-stream Access $25
*All prices include course material and refreshments.
**Students must present current student ID at check-in.
Discounted rates may not be combined.