By Mln. Yaqub Abdurrahman The narration in which the Prophet (upon him be peace) mentioned that women are “nāqiṣāt ʿaql” is well-authenticated. The scholars who compiled the canonical ḥadīth compilations …
In Sūrat al-Baqarah 351, Allāh says: استعينوا بالصبر والصلاة “Seek help with patience and prayer.” Some explained that the “patience” mentioned in the verse is fasting. The Prophet (upon him …
Translated by Afnan Alam (3rd Year Alim Student, DarusSalam Seminary) Imām Bukhārī, as well as Imām Muslim, related a narration on the authority of Abū Hurayrah (Allāh be pleased with …
Translated by Riḍwān Aḥmad (3rd Year Alim Student, DarusSalam Seminary) In his Ṣaḥīḥ, in Bāb al-Tanāwub fī al-ʿIlm from Kitāb al-ʿIlm and in Bāb Mawʿiẓatu al-Rajul Ibnatahū from Kitāb al-Nikāḥ, …
Compiled by Mohammad Ali Mustafa (4th Year ʿĀlim Student, DarusSalam Seminary) When Allāh sent Mūsā to Khiḍr, Mūsā was on a quest for knowledge. Allāh told him that a fish …
Question Some duāʾ books mention that Allāh’s eight names are written on “qarn al-shams.” Is this supported by ḥadīth? If so, is the narration authentic or weak? What are the …