Eid ul-Fitr
DarusSalam follows the Chicago Hilal Committee for moonsighting declarations. The Chicago Hilal Committee will convene today, April 9th, 2024, after Asr (6:30 PM) to determine the start of Shawwal 1445 (Eid-ul-Fitr).
Eid ul-Fitr
The Chicago Hilal Committee has not received any verifiable crescent sighing reports from its representatives around the country on Tuesday, April 9, and has declared that we will complete the 30-day month of Ramadan. Eid-ul-Fitr will be on Thursday, April 11, inshaAllah.
Ramadan Mubarak! Based on the declaration of the Chicago Hilal Committee of a moonsighting on the east coast, Masjid DarusSalam will begin Tarawih Friday, February 28, 2025, inshaAllah. The first day of fasting will be Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Ramadan is the month of conquering the soul and gaining victory through the attainment of taqwa. This Ramadan, our aim as a masjid and community is to facilitate a transformative journey for every individual and family. Through our various programming, we will first reflect on our challenges, then renew our purpose, and finally rebuild by setting a clear path towards personal and spiritual growth.
Daily Programs
Habits: Break One, Build One.
with Qari Sulaiman Mahmood
A series focused on breaking bad habits and building good ones—spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically.
Sisters' Online Recitation Circle
with Alimah Nikhat Muqeem
A daily recitation of the Qur’an, prophetic prayers, and reflections on select verses. Online and for sisters only.
The Power of Prophetic Prayers
with Mufti Azeemuddin Ahmed
A series on the stories behind the prophetic supplications— uncovering the moments behind the du'as taught to us.
Asbāb al-Nuzūl: The Context Beyond the Text
with Mufti Minhajuddin Ahmed
A nightly series exploring the circumstances behind the revelation of specific Qur'anic verses.
Tarawih Arrangements
Main Tarawih (29-Day Khatam)
Mufti Minhajuddin Ahmed, Mufti Azeemuddin Ahmed, Mawlana Farhan Syed
Brothers: Main Prayer Hall
Sisters: Multiple Locations (See Below)
7-Day Khatam (Begins Ramadan 1)
Qari Sulaiman Mahmood, Qari Humza Quadri, Qari Ibraheem Andha
Brothers: Gymnasium
Sisters: Banquet Hall B
Sisters' Prayer Hall
This space is reserved exclusively for sisters and mothers accompanied by daughters (ages 7+). We have designated this area to provide a serene, quiet, and peaceful environment, allowing our sisters to fully immerse themselves in Qur'anic recitation and reflection.
Banquet Hall A (Lower Level)
This space is designated for mothers praying with their young children, ensuring they have a spacious area to pray and take care of the needs of their children.
Room 005 (Lower Level)
This space is dedicated for sisters who are not engaged in salah and would like to listen to the Qur’anic recitation, engage in ibadah, or sit quietly with their children.
Room 108 (Main Level)
This space is designated for sisters of the community who require special accommodations provided by MUHSEN.
Dispense your Zakat
It is narrated that ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (RA) said:
"Become a scholar; if not possible, then become a full-time student; if not possible, then become a part-time student; if not possible, then become a supporter of students of knowledge. But do not be in any fifth category." (Sunan Darimi)
Annual Zakat-Eligible Expenses per Student
Sadaqatul Fitr
It is narrated that the Prophet (upon him be peace) said:
“Verily, the month of Ramadān is left suspended between the heavens and earth and will not ascend up except for by paying the sadaqat al-fitr.”