a three-day academic intensive covering important, contemporary, and intellectually-stimulating topics

Classroom Resources
Enrolled in the course? Submit a question to the instructor or get access to documents, slides, and other resources below!
Instructors and Courses
[accordion clicktoclose=true scroll=false tag=p]
[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Abrar Mirza"]
Contextualizing Islamic Law: How Flexible is It?
Spousal Support & Child Custody Matters in Islam
Riba in Contemporary Times: Halal or Haram?
Shari'ah Compliant Earning, Financing, and Investing
[accordion-item title="▽ Dr. Mateen Khan"]
Corrupting Tradition: Muslim Encounters with European Modernity
Islam in the Workplace: Medicine as a Case Study
Communal Consideration: A Path to Overcoming Differences in Muslim America
[accordion-item title="▽ Mawlana Yusuf Sulaiman"]
Navigating Innovations: Historical Origins of Controversy
Navigating Innovations: Bid'ah vs Sunnah
Theological Exploration of Takfīr: The Parameters of Faith
Theological Exploration of Takfīr: How Far is too Far?
[accordion-item title="▽ Mufti Minhajuddin Ahmed"]
United Eid in the United States: Challenges
United Eid in the United States: Solutions
Significance of Halal Consumption: Nourishing Body and Soul
Uncovering the Meat Industry: The Need for Zabiha Certification
Subject to change.
Joining us from out of town? Book your stay with one of our partner hotels for a special discounted rate. Both hotels are located minutes from DarusSalam. Use the links below to reserve your room.
Brothers' I'tikaf
Prefer to stay in the masjid instead of a hotel? Brothers 18 and over are welcome to perform i'tikaf in the masjid for the weekend! Register here.
Kids and Youth Programs
Our parallel kids (7-10) and youth (11-14) program follows the same schedule as the adult Winter Intensive, making it a perfect opportunity for the entire family to benefit! Please note that parents must remain onsite during the duration of the program.
Pre-registration is now closed. You may still join the program by registering onsite
Reserve your spot now!
Course Fee: $100
The Winter Intensive is open for brothers and sisters ages 15 and older.
Out-of-State registrants and students use code 2023WI for 25% off!
Looking to join online only? Register at
Pre-registration is now closed. Your child may still join the program by registering onsite
Day Passes
Interested in only a particular course? Single-Day Passes are available below!